Make E-Detailing work for you

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E-Detailing can add value and credibility to your brand selling strategy.

Brand sales teams play a vital role in the success of a brand.  They work throughout the product lifecycle to help ensure that products are utilized effectively and serve as scientific peers and resources within the medical community. So, why not ensure the teams have the best tools which enable them to perform to the best of their ability in delivering a succinct and credible sales pitch. 

It is recognised throughout the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries that health care professionals do not have the time (or inclination!) to listen to a wealth of information concerning a brand that has little to no relevance on their current treatment practice and patient base. The days of delivering a sales pitch with no personalisation to the audience are over!

An E-Detailing aid enables the Brand Sales Team to deliver a strategic, engaging, rep-led eDetail that provides a tailored call flow for the HCP dependent on, and ultimately directed by existing patient needs, their current brand perceptions and usage (amongst other external market and therapy area factors).

E-Detailing platforms allow for bespoke build, which in turn facilitate the Sales Rep in presenting a compelling value-proposition to the HCP leveraging the most relevant and resonating clinical outcomes for the brand, and tailored to their want/need of a relevant medication for the patient under discussion.

Data can be reinvigorated and strengthened using inventive, interactive graphics whilst supplementary information can be hidden in order to present a concise and tailored sales flow.

Don’t be left in the dark…get in touch now to see how we can improve your brand selling strategy.

Mital Daya

Mital Daya

Sharpened his yellow pencil from a young age. When will our gym-loving Senior Art Director run off with yet another award?